Amberdell Equine Sanctuary


Amberdell Equine Sanctuary, Inc

501(c)3 Amberdell

Merritt Island, Florida horse rescue, Amberdell Equine Sanctuary

Fundraising now for 2023 and expanding our programs. Donations may be made through PayPal.

Please click the Donate button below to help us care for our Rescue Horses:
donate to Amberdell Horse Rescue
In the words of Winston Churchill,
"There's something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man."
Amberdell Equine Sanctuary began with the rescue
Rescue horses at Amberdell Equine Sanctuary
Rescuing Knowa
of two neglected horses and received IRS 501(c)3 status in December, 2019. It is the mission of Amberdell Equine Sanctuary, Inc. to provide a retraining sanctuary for abandoned, neglected, and abused horses, using this to bring people who love horses together with the horses to love, and to promote self-improvement for individuals through equine interaction.

Preparing a young horse for competition is labor-intensive, long-term and an expensive financial investment. Horses that are difficult or slow are quickly disposed of, creating a need for solutions to prevent the horses from going to slaughter. The Thoroughbred-racing industry sends an estimated 10,000 horses to slaughter annually, equal to half of the 20,000 new foals born each year. Two-thirds of horses set to slaughter are quarter horses, more than 20,000 annually. Neglect and abandonment are additional reasons that horses become rescues. Horses are routinely rescued from livestock auctions where the highest bidder is most often the slaughter house.
Our commitment is to rescue and rehabilitate horses and demonstrate their value.
Amberdell Equine Sanctuary, Inc. is providing high quality care and training for horses, providing a retraining sanctuary for rescued horses, and educating people with regard to the proper care, training, and responsible ownership of horses.


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website by a proud horse rescuer